About Fizz & Foam

We started Fizz & Foam with 0ur truckster. Our truckster is a 1900s Cushman Truckser, named Hops, that has been converted into a cute mini tap truck! During the summer of 2020, the truckster was restored and customized into what she is today. We are fully outfitted with five taps to keep the wine, beer, cocktails, kombucha, and cold brew flowing. We are a cost-efficient and eco-friendly option to serve your guests! Fizz & Foam is a woman-owned and family-operated company. Our favorite part of Fizz and Foam is trying our hardest to stay local and connecting you with local wine bars, breweries, and other vendors for all your beverage needs! Contact us today for your special event bartending, bar rental, and other bar & beverage service needs.